in this debate competition, will use British Parliamentary system, there will be 6 round, including 3 preliminary round, Quarter final, semi final, and final round.. so means that there will be 2 kind of IMPROMPTU motion..
let's come and joint on this competition, get the best experience and win!...
sharing the motion with all of you, come and joint on LOVE Comp English Society Unila 2012..
Education, 1. THW build LGBT community in school. 2. THW ban religious organizations from establishing schools.
3. THBT all countries education systems should focus on the teaching of English.
biasanya gue posting di sini dalam rangkaian Debate, dan tips gagal dalam berebate, tapi sekarang gue bakal coba untuk kasih sedikit tips gagal lagi dalam menghafal Vocab dalam "Collins Scrabble Dictionary".
Rebuttal Idea
sebelumnya gue dah kasih gambaran singkat bagi kalian tentang rebutal practical, seenggaknya itu yang gue pake, tugas kalian tinggal ngembangin lagi, karena gue percaya kalian lebih pinter dari gue.