
Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Motion for TE-Comp 2012 (british parliamentary)

From : Ponco Dzuriyat Muslimin Thoha

in this debate competition, will use British Parliamentary system, there will be 6 round, including 3 preliminary round, Quarter final, semi final, and final round.. so means that there will be 2 kind of IMPROMPTU motion..
let's come and joint on this competition, get the best experience and win!...

Science and Technology
THW discourage the use and the prodcution of bio-fuels
THW prioritize the procurement of one student one tablet PC
TH reject national's internet filters

for all areas which have traditional language, THW obligate the use of traditional language on advertisement
THW abolish prom night
THBT national Heritage should be Auctioned

THW require the couple to disclose their STD
TH support child labor in developing Countries
THW legalize the sale of human organs

TH prefer the international Invasion to topple down the regime
TH regrets palestine as the member of UNESCO
TH regrets the withdrawal of its troops from iraq

any question?.., you can leave comment, and admin will reply your comment...

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